This study focused on juvenile delinquents rehabilitation. It was under the concept of verbal communication (verbal language) for determine “words” that used as a tool in rehabilitation. Data was collected at three training centers for boy; Ban Karuna, Ban Mutita and Ban U-bekkha, and one training for girl; Ban Pranee. Three groups of samples were 287 juvenile delinquents, 48 officers and 31 juvenile delinquents’ s relatives.
The study found that the types of verbal language that the officers and juvenile delinquents’s relatives had spoken with the youth were the were the same characteristic. There are persuasion to stop redivism, supportive statement, humorous, warning, and rebuking. But the wording content in each type are different. And found that the juvenile delinquents felt good with communication that they received from both groups of people but the reasons are different.